Thursday, December 17, 2009

4 little angels...

I rarely make more than one of any given card, but I liked this one so much, that I made several, changing the color of the outfit and the angel's skin and hair based upon who the recipient was going to be. So, here's 1 card, four ways.

The first card was sent to my mother, who's favorite color is red. I colored the angel to look like my little neice, Anna. 

For the version I sent to my brother, the angel was colored to look like my nephew, Ryan, and so got a green outfit with lighter colored hair.

This version of the card was given to a co-worker (who has asked to remain nameless), and was colored to look like her daughter. I love the pink outfit on this one!

And the final version was also given to a co-worker, and was colored to look like her son. Her favorite color is red, so that determined the outfit color.

The adorable little angel is Michael by Mo's Digital Pencil. I love how he can be either a girl or a boy depending on how you color the image. So versatile! Each image was colored with Copic markers, and had Frosted Lace stickles added to the wings.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. OMG Melissa, your coloring is amazing! Love all of them.

  2. Those are wonderful cards. It's so neat that you customized them for the recipient.

  3. Hi Melissa.
    Just wanted to tell you that all of your projects are wonderful. You are so talented. I am so happy to be a DT member at Stamp Something together with you and the other talented ladies.

  4. So glad I have 1 of these as my own! And how ironic that it's Michael!

  5. My girlfriend love these little angels. I prefer pink little angel to give valentine day gift.
