Wednesday, December 16, 2009

2 challenges, and some exciting news...

I received some good news this week - I'll be a member of the Stamp Something design team starting in January! How exciting is that?!? Denise and Erin always have fun challenges each week, and I'm honored to be joining such a talented group of ladies!

Now on to the project... For my card today, I decided to play along with the Stamp Something challenge (a card with a Winter Wonderland theme), as well as to use this week's sketch from Friday Sketchers.

I'm just about finished with my holiday cards, but needed something special for one of my officemates. She's the outdoorsy type, so I thought Fishing Penguin by Elzybells would be perfect for her card. Isn't he a cutie? The image was colored with Copic markers, and then I added Twinklet's for the icey pond. The top layer of the punched snowflakes is also covered with Twinklets for some extra sparkle.

I was in such a rush to get this card photographed so I could get it ready to send that I forgot to take a picture of the Copics I used. My apologies. If you scroll down to the previous post, the colors are identical, except I added B91 for the water and E57 for the fishing poll.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. yeah! congrats! you'll do great. love your card.

  2. Hi Mellisa!! Your creation is just adorable! I love penguins!! :) Congrats on your DT spot!! Looks like you have some beautiful creations!! HUGS
