Saturday, December 13, 2008

Need a 2009 calendar?

*Disclaimer* This post is not stamping related. :)

Do you still need a 2009 calendar? Want to help support a good cause? Do you like cats, or have a cat lover on your Christmas list? Then I have the perfect thing for you - the 2009 Siamese Rescue Calendar.

Why am I hyping a calendar on my blog you might ask? I have two very good reasons.

1. I love my 2 Siamese cats, one of whom came from Siamese Rescue. Siamese cats bond with their owners and don't do well when they end up in an animal shelter. They can become depressed/temperamental because they are missing their person, and so get labeled as unadoptable by shelter workers and are often euthanized. is a group of several rescue organizations across the US that rescue Siamese cats from shelters, and place them in loving foster homes until they can find their forever home. Purchasing a calendar helps defray the costs of food, medical care, and transportation, thus allowing more cats to be rescued.

2. I have a personal interest in this years calendar as a photo I took of my flame point Siamese, Octavian, was selected for the May photo. How exciting is that?!? I first saw Octavian on the Siamese Rescue website 3 years ago, and it was love at first sight. (You can see his rescue photo to the right. How could I resist those big blue eyes?) He was only 5 months old at the time, and had been rescued after his former owner dumped him and his two look-a-like brothers on the street to fend for themselves because, get this, they had fleas! Octavian must have had it hard on the street because although he is the sweetest kitty you could ask for, he is a nervous boy, and even after 3 years in a loving home, will run at any sudden noise.

If you have been thinking about adding a cat to your family, why not consider a Siamese? Siamese cats LOVE their people. Mine follow me around the house, telling me all about their day, and looking for any opportunity for a lap to snuggle in. Siamese Rescue currently has many cats just waiting for a home of their own with people to love for Christmas. While you are visiting the site, be sure to check out the Siamese Store for all of your cat related goodies (including beds and toys for your feline friends).

While I can't share the photo of Octavian that will be in the calendar, I thought I would close with a photo of him I took for his first Christmas with us 3 years ago. He's all grown up now, but he's still my baby (and sitting right next to me as I type - I told you they LOVE their people!).

Thanks for reading this far! Happy Holidays!


  1. Awww. Your cat is beautiful. Someday we will get another cat.

  2. OMG, he's BEEEEEEautiful! I just adopted a siamese mix this week! If you check out my avi (crazycatstamper) on SCS you will see her. She is a part Tortie Point mix and very sweet!
