Friday, December 12, 2008

InStyle Stamps sneak peek!

My InStyle Stamps package arrived yesterday, and I couldn't wait to start playing with them! I was really impressed with the high-quality, deeply etched rubber. Pair that with fabulous images, and you have some amazing stamps to play with! You are going to love them!

For today's preview, I give you Pam and Buster. Aren't they just adorable? I love how smug Buster looks. Definitely show dog material there! LOL!

The image was colored in with Copic markers, and then had Diamond Stickles added for some bling. If you click on the image for a larger view, you can see that Buster has a gem of a nose. Seriously. When I was adding the 3 dew drops on the side, I found a broken one in the container, and used my exacto knife to cut it down to size for Buster's nose. Cute, huh?

Make sure to check out the InStyle Stamps blog for more projects using Pam and Buster, as well as sneak peeks of several of the other soon-to-be-released stamps. And check back tomorrow as I will have a sneak peek of another brand spanking new stamp for you! How exciting!


  1. Melissa, this is seriously TOO CUTE! I love it! (And yes, I saw the bling on his nose!) I have four dogs... I think this stamp just found it's way to my wish list LOL.

  2. Adorable card!! Love that Pam and Buster match.
