Friday, August 27, 2010

Attitude is Everything

Today's project was a special request by a co-worker. One of her dear friends turns 90 today, and she wanted to give her something special to celebrate.The birthday girl in question is one sassy & feisty lady, so I was asked to make a card to suit her personality. Fun, huh?

For my image, Tito-Mosquito on deviantART kindly agreed to allow me to use his drawing, Mari the Flapper. Isn't she fabulous? What could be more perfect for someone who grew up in the roaring 20's than a feisty old flapper who is still flaunting her stuff?

Mari was colored with copic markers, and has clear spica pen over her outfit for a bit of sparkle. I added white Fun Flock to her boa for some textural interest (close-up below). I wanted to use a real feather for her headpiece, but since I couldn't find one in my stash, I substituted a bit of wired white fringe that I airbrushed to match her belt & garter.

Think she'll like it?


  1. She's gonna LOVE it! What fun to make a card like this for such an occasion.

  2. Wow! I love this image - she looks like she could be a real 'sweetie' in real life!
