Wednesday, April 28, 2010

kitty update...

Several readers have left comments asking about the kitty we rescued, so I thought I would post a little update. We've decided to call her "Felicity" since she is such a happy kitty now. She's settled right in, and comes running for skritches whenever we open the door to the front room. (Please ignore the awful carpeting! This is one of the few rooms we haven't redone since moving in.)

Felicity is very much a lap cat, and wants nothing more than to be in your arms at all times. She purrs like crazy the minute you pick her up, and gets so excited about being held that she rolls around in your arms. I've been using a Zoom Groom to brush her, and she loves the thing! I leave it out when I'm finished with it, and she will roll around on top of it to massage herself. It's awfully funny to watch!

She still sleeps a lot, but after 4+ days of getting plenty of high-calorie kitten food, she's starting to perk up a bit more, and will bat around a mousie - so long as you are right there to rub her belly while she is doing it, that is. LOL. Have I mentioned how much she likes attention?

I managed to get her to hold still long enough to get some close-ups tonight, so I thought I would share them so you can see her pretty blue eyes.

This one was taken right after she'd eaten. She jumped up on the hubby's lap, and was licking her whiskers clean before settling in for some snuggles.

She has a visit with the vet tomorrow morning, so keep your fingers crossed for a clean bill of health!


  1. she's one lucky kitty to have found you! Looks like she knows it, too.

  2. Oh what a beautiful kitten, she is adorable. Not sure how I would cope without my two rescued 'kittens' (err.. they are 2 years old now but will always be my kittens!) Jill

  3. Felicity looks so much happier now that she has found a home - and what a perfect name for her! Please keep us posted on her health!


  4. She is beautiful, and I love the name you chose.

  5. Oh she's just beautiful! Sounds like she's settling in. My DH said that too way back when we had 3 cats and a stray happened upon our porch but he caved eventually. LOL xxD

  6. That is soo nice Melissa. She is beautiful!
