Sunday, March 28, 2010

TGF Battle Royale + a free digi

Happy Sunday! Sorry for the lateness of this post - Blogger was being a bad boy and wouldn't let me sign in to my account this morning. :(
As many of you probably know, voting starts today for the first challenge of The Greeting Farm's Battle Royale. I'm part of the "Faux Farmers" team, and we would really appreciate it if you could pop on over here to vote for us so we have a chance to move on to the second round. You just need to leave a comment here to vote (make sure to follow the link as leaving a comment on my blog, while appreciated, doesn't count in the voting).

The theme for week 1 was a color challenge (tan, red, aqua) with a retro twist, and team member Jodi Stanisch really rocked it with this fabulous card:

I loved the chair Jodi used the minute I saw it, and just had to turn the photo into a digital image. I thought others might be drooling over the chair as much as I did, so I'm providing my digital image free to anyone who wants it. Just click on the photo below to see the full-sized image, and then Right Click and select "Save Image As" to save it to your computer.

*Please note that this image is free to anyone who wants it. You are under no obligation to go vote for us in order to get it. Enjoy!

Have a great week! And thank you in advance to everyone who votes for us! We appreciate your support!


  1. Melissa ~ love the digi you created :) I also mentioned your digi on my blog post and linked back to you. Have a great weekend!

  2. Oh, thank you sooo much. It was so so cute. Easternhugs from Norway majsan
