Friday, October 30, 2009

ISS Blog Hop - Set the Table

It's the last Friday of the month, and you know what that means - it's time to go blog hopping with InStyle Stamps! If you didn't come here from Lysa's blog, then you might want to go to the InStyle Stamps blog to start the hop so you don't miss any of the great projects the dt has in store for you!

Since Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner, this month our theme is "Set the Table". And as usual, we will have some great prizes to give away, so make sure to read all the way down to the bottom of the post to see how you can get entered into a drawing for some great goodies!

For my project, I decided to use the adorable new Anime images, Virginia and William. Aren't they just the cutest little pilgrims?

Around here, "Setting the table" during the holidays always includes a pretty container of seasonal flowers. I decided that my pot of mums needed a little dressing up, so after coloring Virginia and William with my copic markers, I cut them out and used glue dots to attach them to a pair of chop sticks I had laying around (unused, honest!).

The mums came in one of those plain jane green plastic pots, so I rummaged through my collection of decorative pots and found this great tin basket. I added some green ribbon around it, and then used my nestabilities to make a cute flower for the sentiment.

The flower is very simple to make. Just use a scalloped circle nestie in a size to coordinate with your center circle, and snip in each scallop toward the center to make your "petals". The sentiment is computer-generated using one of my favorite fonts, Kayleigh. (Download it for free here.)


On to the Blog Hop details...

We will be giving away a Grand Prize to one lucky Blog Hop participant and also have a prize for one lucky design team member. To enter, hop through the design team’s blogs, (leaving a comment at each stop, of course!) and then go to the InStyle Stamps blog and vote for the designer who's project inspired you the most. (You're going to vote for me, right? LOL!) Then, in order to be entered into the drawing to win the grand prize, leave us a comment on that post.

I'm the last stop on your hop today, so now you'll want to go back to the InStyle Stamps blog to vote and enter the hop contest.

Thanks for playing along with us today!


  1. Melissa that is so adorable! Love the flower you made too! Great thinking decorating your flowers with Virginia and William! Adorable!!!!
    Hugs~ Kim

  2. How stinkin' cuuuute Melissa! I LOVE LOVE LOVE how you used Virginia and William. Brilliant!

  3. how lovely is that!!!I will use your idea soon..hope you don't it.

  4. What a perfect center piece Melissa! Absolutely love the daisy on the front of the planter.

  5. so CUTE, Melissa! i was thinking these would make great little paper-doll type thingies, and you could just plop them into just about anything, anywhere! they look WONDERFUL in your flowers!

  6. OMGoodness Melissa! What an adorable centerpiece. I love the flower sentiment too. Awesome idea and very cool to make a flower from the Nesti shape. Very, very creative GF! hugz, Mary

  7. I love this idea! I just bought a huge bouquet of {cough} fake flowers ;) for decorating our Thanksgiving table! This would be a perfect touch to add in :)
    TFS :*)
    Happy Halloween!
    ~ margie

  8. Melissa - what an adorable centerpiece! I love your coloring! TFS!

  9. This makes such a wonderful centerpiece for the holidays and I love your flower ~ really need to get myself the round nesties! Thanks for sharing the name of the font ~ I really like it and have already downloaded it.

  10. how cute!!!!! this is really such a wonderful idea!

