Tuesday, March 3, 2009

InStyle Stamps sneak peek!

Are you ready for another sneak peek? Meet "Falling Chick," one of the great new Digi download images from InStyle Stamps that will be released on Wednesday!

Isn't it adorable? The minute I saw it, I knew it would be the perfect image for a cute little Easter basket for my DH. One of the things I love about him is that he is always making me laugh, so what could be more perfect?

Be sure to check out the InStyle Stamps blog for a second sneak peek by design team member Jennie, and a tutorial by yours truly to make an Easter basket of your own.


  1. Hey Melissa! Your basket is so darn cute and the image is fabulous. Beautiful job coloring the image! I'm sorry I haven't been around at InStyle for the past week. I've been sick with a cold and have been posting pre-scheduled cards! LOL!

    Hey, did you receive the chart? I sent it last week. . if not, you should be receiving it any day now.


  2. Your basket is adorable Melissa! I ran across the template on In Styles Blog and I was astonished at how easy they are to make. *easy peasy* lol I'm going to post my basket to In Style's Blog later this evening.
