Monday, February 16, 2009

InStyle Stamps Design Team Call

NOTE: This post will stay on top until the DT call is over. Please scroll down to see my latest project.


InStyle Stamps is launching a new anime line of stamps to add to our current lines. We are having 3 design team calls, Anime, Retro and Digi.

There are 2 stages to our application process.

Stage One - We ask you to submit 4 of your very best projects. At least two of those projects must be non-card related. These projects must include line art stamped images that you have hand colored. Coloring technique is very important since all of our stamps require coloring. You will also need the following information along with your submission:

1. Name
2. Mailing Address (we need it to send your stage two image immediately)
3. Phone number
4. Email Address
5. A List of your present/past design team positions. Note: You will be considered even if you do not have design team experience.
6. A link to your gallery on SCS, PCP and blog
7. Tell us which team you would like to apply for: Anime, Retro, Digi. If you are applying for more then one, please list teams in order of preference.
8. A brief about me summary to include; interests, crafting history, etc. Whatever you would like us to know about you and your experience.

All stage one submissions should be received by us no later than February 16th, 2009 by 11:59 pm P.S.T. Please email your Stage One applications to:

Once we've received all of your submissions we will narrow the selections for the final round.

Stage Two - We will snail mail a stamped image and sketch for you to follow to create your final project. Once completed, you will take a photo of the project, and upload it to your blog or gallery using "ISS DT APPLICATION" as the subject or tag. You will need to notify us at:

once you have uploaded your final project.

We will notify you of the deadline for stage two final project submissions via mail with your stamped image if chosen. International applicants are accepted (special rules apply please ask before submitting).

We have 9 design positions to fill. We are looking for:

Great coloring techniques
Good photography skills
Attention to color matching
Thinking outside the box
And regular posting on your blog/website

We are interested in fresh, funky and fun designs and projects. If you fit that mold, please apply for one of our team positions.

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