Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Jim!

Today is my BIL's birthday. I don't own very many "guy" stamps, so I went digging through my box of pre-stamped images looking for something appropriate. Lucky for me, my BIL loves all things related to the great outdoors, so I didn't have to search too long before I found this image from the retired SU set, The Angler. I borrowed the set from a friend a few years ago and stamped off some extra images. Even better, I found a pile of background papers I had made using the bleaching technique and the fish stamp from the set. Was I planning a head, or what? LOL!

The image was watercolored with SU watercolor crayons and an aquapainter. I didn't have an appropriate sentiment, so it is written by hand with a fine tipped artists pen (mine is a Pigma Micron 005). If you don't have one of these, I highly recommend getting one. I use mine so much, I've just about worn the tip off!

Sorry for the short post tonight. I am tired and still need to pick up the house a bit since we have company coming tomorrow. Be sure to check back tomorrow for a super girly card. :)

1 comment:

  1. Love this card! I am always on the lookout for a great masculine card idea, so thanks!
