Sunday, January 18, 2009

Exciting news!

I have some exciting news to share! Virginia, the owner of InStyle Stamps, has asked me to take a more active roll in her company! And of course, I said yes! So you are looking at the new Creative Director for InStyle Stamps! I will be managing the design team, and helping with some other areas that I can't share yet (top secret stuff right now, lol, but you are going to LOVE them!). How exciting is that?!? I've been on cloud 9 since she asked me, and couldn't wait to share it with you! I am so thrilled to have this opportunity to work with such a great company!

Now don't worry, I will continue to be a part of the design team, so you can still expect to see lots of great projects using InStyle Stamps. In fact, check back tomorrow, because I will be hosting Method Monday this week!


  1. Congratulations!! What a fun job, can't wait to see what you come up with!

  2. Wow! Congratulations Melissa! You 'da bomb!

  3. Congratulations Melissa!
    Hugs~ Kim

  4. Yikes!! Congrats!!! What a fabulous accomplishment! I came back to look over your faux tutorial again to make a shopping list and stumbled on this. GREAT JOB Melissa! I am delighted for you - and for them. Your work is simply beautiful and such an inspiration.


  5. Congratulations Melissa! It's a blessing! Happy for you! :)

  6. très beau tes cartes... félicitation!
