Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Exciting news!!!

I had the best weekend EVER and it's been killing me to keep it all bottled up and not share it with my blogging friends until now! As you may know, InStyle Stamps has had a call out for a guest designer for their fabulous, brand spanking new line of stamps. I've been drooling over the sneak peaks of the new stamp line, so of course I had to apply. Imagine my delight Saturday morning when I check my e-mail over breakfast, and low and behold, there is a message from Virginia, the owner of InStyle Stamps, asking me to join her Design Team! I swear I was beaming the rest of the day! I feel incredibly honored to be asked to join her team!

I should be starting my Design Team duties shortly, so look for some sneak peaks in the upcoming weeks. I am so excited, and can't wait to play with these fabulous new stamps!

While you are drooling over the samples on the InStyle Stamps blog, be sure to check out the card challenge for a chance to win a stamp of your very own. But hurry! You only have until 11:50pm PST on Wednesday the 10th to enter!

*side note* I finally broke down and purchased some much needed storage for my 12x12 papers, so no card today as I am busy organizing. I should have something Christmasy for you tomorrow though, so be sure to stop back!


  1. Congrats on your design team news!!

  2. CONGRATS Melissa that is GREAT news! Enjoy playing...and I can't wait to see what you make!
    Hugs~ Kim

  3. Congratulations...you deserve it! Can't wait to see some of the fun stamps!
