Sunday, December 21, 2008

busy, busy, busy...

I have been very productive today. Not only did I make 2 altered items and a card, I also got some baking done. Amish Friendship bread... Mmmm...

Today's project is in honor of the stressful holiday season: Christmas Tranquilizers.

How fun is this? I saw a post on SCS about using M&M's for pills as a gag gift, and knew I would have to make one for my Secret Santa since she loves M&M's! Please excuse the whited out areas on the label where I removed personal info for safety. They contained the "pharmacy's" address, and the name and address of the "prescription holder".

Tip: make sure to wash the bottle out really well to avoid any transfer of the previous contents onto your M&M's. Although, that could be interesting if the previous contents happened to be those little blue pills... LOL! Talk about stress relief!

This project took longer than expected to whip up, mainly due to the time it took to make a template for the label that would fit my bottle. If someone can tell me how to attach a document file to my blog, I'd be happy to share my Publisher template for these and save you the effort if you want to make one for yourself.

Check back later, and I'll have another altered item for you.


  1. Seriously are the bomb! This is a great idea!

  2. Melissa that is AWESOME! Oh my goodness is that a good laugh! I would love to have your file, as my hubby LOVES m&ms and my mother in law is a nurse practioner so I would love to make these for them for Christmas! Would you mind emailing me your publisher file? kgruetzmacher(at)
    Thanks so much! Wishing you and your family a WONDERFUL Christmas and a VERY Happy New Year!
    Hugs~ Kim

  3. Oh my gosh! That is too cute!!!!! Love it!!!!!

  4. oh that is just too cute and too funny. What a great idea, I will have to bookmark it for next year!!

  5. This is so cute - I love it!! I can think of a few people who I could have given this too.

    Would you be so kind as to send the info to make these to me at

    Many thanks

  6. This is too terrific. Would you mind emailing me your file for the label?

    Hope you and your's had a very wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year also.

    Thanks bunches,
