Sunday, September 28, 2008

Happy News x 2!

Baby Ryan arrived late Friday night, and both mommy and baby are doing well. Unlucky me has come down with a nasty cold, so I am not able to go see him yet. Waa!!! My mother was nice enough to send me some photos, and let me tell you, he's a cutey!

So that was happy news #1, are you ready for happy news #2?

The scrapbook page I mentioned in my previous post did double duty as my entry for the Silly Monkey Crafts design team call. And.... I am one of 18 ladies who will be moving on to round 2 of the call! I'm so excited!

For round 1, you had to make a project using this layout provided by Nikki:

I decided to use the layout to make the first page of the scrapbook album I am putting together for Ryan.
I've been saving the adorable image from hÄnglar & stÄnglar for projects for Ryan, but hadn't found the right one to use it on yet. When I saw this sketch a light bulb went on and I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it. I liked the end result so much that I flipped the sketch a bit and used it for the wall art in my previous post.


  1. Oh, my goodness! This is an adorable card...I love it! Great job!

  2. This is precious and so beautifully done.

    Cathy B.
