Friday, June 27, 2008

Something borrowed, Something blue

There was a bridal shower on the Stamping Bella forum on SCS the other night, and I had fun participating in the card challenges. Below is the card I made for the Something Traditional challenge. You had to use "something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue".

Here are my "somethings":

Old: the "celebrate" stamp from SU's Wonderful Words set
New: the pretty yellow and pink striped paper I bought this week
Borrowed: I cased the layout for the card from this adorable card by llevans
Blue: I used SU's Soft Sky ribbon, paper, and ink on the card

Leave me a comment, telling me what your favorite "something" is (this can be anything - doesn't have to be wedding related) by 8pm EST on July 4th. I will randomly select a winner to mail this card to.


  1. Great card! Love the colors. My favorite somethings would be: raspberry margarita, Mexican food and Hot Tamales candy. Got married too long ago to have a favorite wedding something.

  2. Very pretty! I like the colors and the baubles in the corners!

  3. Wow! Love the card! My something would be: my husband! LOL!

  4. Well - I had to comment after seeing your post on the SCS PIF thread. Glad I saw your link. This card is great! My favorite wedding something .... it was the biggest party I ever had! (And we're still celebrating 14+ years later.)

  5. I REALLY like that card!!! I am waiting for a PIF of that image :)
    My favorite 'thing' ...right new friends on SCS PIF board :) :)

  6. My favorite something is stamps of course!!! Who woulda guessed it!!!??

  7. I love it!! The colors are awesome...

  8. favorite thing in general? hmmm Coffee... books... wood mounted rubber stamps...

    favorite wedding thing? taking the photographs.

    PS now Allison has a run for her money on your candy... nanner nanner

  9. I love the card! My 'favourite thing' from my wedding would be my DH!! Still my babe after 15 years (are you gagging yet? LOL!)
    Oh and my photos (yep - hence my screen-name!)
