Sunday, August 26, 2007

Christmas in August?!?

I know, I know! Christmas cards in August? Really! Couldn't I at least wait until Labor Day like all the stores do? LOL! It was disgustingly hot out yesterday, so I thought working on some holiday cards might help me to cool off. Or at least think cool, which can be a help on days like that!

This first one uses the new level 1 hostess set, Sidekick Sayings, as well as Polka Dots & Paisley for the embossed red dots on the bottom half. The image is colored in with markers, and then all of the white background was dusted with with a touch of color using the Color Spritzer tool.

The next two cards utilize the Three For You punch. I love how versatile this punch is! Who would have thought a flower punch would make such cute holiday cards?

My last two cards use It's Snow Time and Lovely as a Tree. Each card is three layers (sky, trees/mountains, and snowpeople), and the top two layers are popped up on dimensionals to give the scene some depth. Trust me when I say these look much cooler in person.

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